Voice from the Heart Alliance

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Latest news archive

Torres Strait Islanders and far north Queenslanders back Voice to Parliament, inquiry told

19/04/2023 National Indigenous Times: Torres Strait Islanders and Far North Queenslanders view the voice to parliament as unfinished business, Indigenous leaders have told a parliamentary inquiry. The inquiry into the voice to parliament and executive government held a hearing in Cairns on Wednesday. Click here to view article.

Central Land Council condemns ‘divisive’ politics of Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

21/04/2023 ABC: Central Australia’s peak organisation representing local Indigenous people says the federal opposition’s new shadow minister for Indigenous Australians, Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, “neither speaks for them nor listens to them”. Click here to view article.

Solicitor-general’s Voice to Parliament advice released, contradicts Peter Dutton’s claims

21/04/2023 SBS: The solicitor-general says the Voice to Parliament speaking to cabinet would enhance Australia’s democracy, appearing to contradict Opposition leader Peter Dutton’s claim that Labor had overruled his objections. Click here to view article

“The Voice to Parliament is a beginning, not an end”

Wollongong University: Dr Summer May Finlay on the Uluru Statement and Voice to Parliament. Click here to view article

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Professor Marcia Langton on the Voice’s powers and potential

12/04/2023 The Conversation: Marcia Langton has been a fighter for rights and progress for Indigenous Australians for decades, and she’s one of those at the centre of the yes campaign for the Voice. Her own voice is always forthright and formidable. Click here to view article.

“I intend to campaign for ‘yes” – Julian Leeser quits Liberal frontbench over party’s Voice stance

11/04/2023 National Indigenous Times: Shadow Attorney-General and Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians Julian Lesser has quit the Liberal party front bench citing personal opposition to the party’s “no” stance on a constitutionally enshrined Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Click here to view article

First Nations people have made a plea for ‘truth-telling’. By reckoning with its past, Australia can finally help improve our future

11/04/2023 The Conversation: Australia has never been good at listening to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Despite the truths that have already been told in processes like the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody or the Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families, time and again governments have ignored recommendations designed to address the impacts of Australia’s settler-colonial past and present. Click here to view article

‘Standing for justice’: Why these Australian Muslims back the Voice to Parliament

10/04/2023 SBS: Some of Australia’s Muslim leaders say they will be using grassroots campaigns to encourage their communities to vote ‘Yes’ in the upcoming Voice to Parliament referendum. Click here to view article

Yunupiŋu was a great clan leader, a great family man and very much loved. I wish Australian political leaders could have learned more from him

03/04/23 The Conversation: Dr Yunupiŋu was a magnificent person and a magnificent leader. Most people in Australia who are aware of him know him as a ceremonial leader because of his towering presence leading ceremonies at the Garma Festival for so many years and, most importantly, at events that he himself curated in order to make representations to prime ministers and ministers of Australian governments… Constitutional recognition for Indigenous Australians was his idea. Click here to read article

The voice referendum is a turning point. A yes vote will save lives. A no vote will invalidate them

23/03/23 The Guardian: Dr Josie Douglas, Wardaman woman has lived in Alice Springs on Arrernte country for many years says. ‘If the voice referendum succeeds, our sons, daughters and grandchildren will stand proud, part of a united nation where we are involved in shaping our shared destiny’. Click here to read article

View from The Hill: Peter Dutton’s risky call to campaign for ‘No’ in Voice referendum

05/04/2023 The Conversation: Opposition leader Peter Dutton has pledged to campaign against the Voice to Parliament, as the Liberal party overwhelmingly endorsed a “no” position for the forthcoming constitutional referendum. Click here to view article

Dutton, most Coalition MPs absent as Voice to Parliament referendum bill introduced to parliament

30/03/2023 National Indigenous Times: The bill that will trigger this year’s referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament has been introduced in the House of Representatives. Click here to view article

OPINION The Voice: what is it, where did it come from, and what can it achieve?

29/03/2023 UNSW Newsroom: We now know the wording of the Voice referendum and proposed constitutional amendment. But what may have been forgotten is how we got here in the first place – and why it matters. Click here to view article

Emotional PM reveals referendum question wording for Indigenous voice to parliament

View ABC video of Press Conference in full

SA becomes first Australian jurisdiction to create First Nations Voice to Parliament as historic bill passes

A special Sunday sitting of SA Parliament passed the bill creating the Voice, which has been assented to by the governor in a ceremonial meeting of the state’s executive council. Click here to view article

‘I’m here to change the country’: Albanese launches an uncompromising Indigenous voice plan

23/03/23 The Guardian: After a flurry of late night meetings with his referendum working group – including a robust exchange of views about the amendment and the question, and furious and inaccurate public speculation about concessions and compromises – the final form of words announced on Thursday has not shifted significantly from the one Albanese announced at the Garma festival in July last year. Click here to read article.
Click here to view Guardian video

What will Australians be voting on in the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum?

23/03/2023 ABC: Australia will hold a referendum later this year on having an Indigenous Voice to Parliament written into the constitution. Click here to view article

What Australia could learn from New Zealand about Indigenous representation

21/03/2023 The Conversation: A referendum will be held later this year to enshrine a First Nations’ Voice to Parliament into the Australian constitution. The draft question for the referendum is “Do you support an alteration to the Constitution that establishes an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice?” Click here to view article

‘They want to know how things work’: Pat Dodson buoyed up by first regional Victorian voice forum

16/03/2023 The Guardian Australia: A desire to understand the practicalities behind a voice to parliament was among the top concerns in Ballarat as Pat Dodson held his first Victorian regional forum since the launch of the yes campaign. Click here to view article

Social sector organisations launch Allies for Uluru
Coalition in support of Voice

Media release: National social sector organisations The Fred Hollows Foundation, Oxfam Australia, ACOSS
and ANTAR will launch the Allies for Uluru Coalition in Melbourne today to support a ‘YES’
vote in the upcoming referendum to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
in the Constitution and establish a Voice to Parliament. Click here to view media release

‘White saviours’ accused of finding flaws in voice proposal ‘to stay in spotlight’ by working group member

14/03/23 Guardian Australia: Thomas Mayo says: “We are trying to land on a form of words that will give our people the most powerful voice possible, while also making sure we can still win the referendum,” he said. “We are dealing with the issue of people trying to gain prominence over this matter and act as white saviours. From our experience we know that too often you may fix one problem and they’ll go and find another one just to stay in the spotlight.” Click here to read this article and commentary from two other prominent Referendum Advisory group members.

Country Liberal Party president Lawson Broad quits over party’s opposition to an Indigenous Voice to Parliament

13/03/2023 ABC: The Northern Territory’s Country Liberal Party president has quit both his role and the party over its opposition to an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Click here to view article

South Australia set to become first jurisdiction with Indigenous Voice to Parliament

10/03/2023 ABC: The South Australian government looks likely to be the first jurisdiction in Australia to establish an Indigenous Voice to Parliament at a state level, and supporters are hoping it will serve as an example for the national Voice ahead of the referendum. Click here to view article

The following 5 articles report on the official launch of the YES 23 campaign

Yes23 CAMPAIGN LAUNCH, on Kaurna Country, ADELAIDE 21-23 Feb 2023

Over 300 activists from all corners and sectors of Australia gathered at Tandanya Aboriginal Cultural Institute for the launch of the Voice to Parliament Yes 23 campaign. Organised by From the Heart, the constant buzz was inspiring – from mob to community groups and from unions to corporates. Together, our networking knew no bounds! The launch opened on Tuesday evening with high-energy networking over drinks, and setting the context for three days of creativity! Click here to view article

Newcastle City launch of the Yes23 campaign by Ros Madden and Tracy DeGeer

Hundreds of supporters gathered in Gregson Park, Hamilton to attend the Newcastle launch of the Yes23 campaign on 26 February. A beautiful welcome to country was followed by children dancing, didgeridoo music and, towards the end, enthusiastic speeches by local politicians from three levels of government. Click here to view article

Inner West BBQ for the Voice to Parliament by Ros Bradley

Despite the soaring heat, hundreds turned out on Saturday afternoon 18 February, at Petersham Park for a sausage sizzle and heard three impassioned speakers talk about the Voice to parliament including Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese. Click here to view article

Voice to Parliament Community Forum Saturday Feb 18, 2023 by Angie Finn

Over 400 people packed the lecture theatre at the University of Technology Sydney on Saturday 18 February 2023, to participate in a Voice to Parliament Community Forum hosted by Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek. View article here

It’s time for the Voice of First Peoples to be recognised and enshrined in our Constitution by Deborah Ruiz-Wall

Policies designed and laws passed that affect the lives of First Nations people must reflect their Voice in Parliament protected by its enshrinement in the Australian Constitution. This was the theme around the ‘Walking Together Uluru Statement from the Heart’ workshop held at the Uniting Church Hall in Springwood last Sunday, February 19. Non-Indigenous and Indigenous residents of the Blue Mountains and Penrith came to the workshop opened by Gundungurra and Darug elder, Aunty Carol Cooper. Click here to view article

Constitutional drafting: Key questions

Australian Public Law: In May 2017, after twelve months of consultation and design and six months of hard work and deliberation through a series of First Nations designed and led dialogues, First Nations people delivered the Uluru Statement from the Heart to the Australian people.  The Uluru Statement represents an historic First Nations consensus position on the why and how of constitutional recognition. Click here to read article

Charities can advocate for or against the Voice to Parliament provided they stay within the ACNC’s rules

08/03/2023 ProBono news: The charity regulator has released guidance for charities planning to advocate in the Voice to Parliament debate. Click here to view article

Diverse Faith groups urge Politicians to ‘work together across political divides’ for Voice Referendum

03/03/2023 mnnews.today: A powerful coalition of national religious and ethno-religious organisations has sent a joint open letter to all federal parliamentarians, calling on politicians to co-operate across political divides in support of the upcoming Voice referendum. Click here to view article

90 years ago, Yorta Yorta leader William Cooper petitioned the king for Aboriginal representation in parliament

03/03/2023 The Conversation: What Cooper was asking for was a means by which Australia’s lawmakers could be informed of the views of Aboriginal people. He believed this fundamentally important to his people’s wellbeing, because he knew those who governed their lives acted without any consideration of their views. Click here to view article

Ken Wyatt calls on Peter Dutton to give Liberals a conscience vote on the Voice to Parliament

01/03/2023 ABC The Drum: Former Liberal minister for Indigenous Australians Ken Wyatt has called on Opposition Leader Peter Dutton to hold a conscience vote among the Liberal party on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Click here to view article

OPINION: by Linda Burney: 3 simple reasons the Voice will make a difference

28/02/2023 SBS NITV: What a week!I’ve travelled across our great country and I’m overwhelmed and heartened by the incredible support among Australians for a Voice for our people.The Week of Action marked the beginning of conversations, about what the Voice is, why it’s needed and how it will make a difference. Click here to view article

Philanthropy backs Voice

27/02/2023 ProBono Australia: The Yes campaign for the Indigenous Voice to Parliament is getting a boost, with a sizeable donation from the philanthropic community. Click here to view article

Workshop on Voice to Parliament held in Springwood

24/02/2023 Blue Mountains Gazette: Blue Mountains residents have heard the case for a Voice to Parliament at a workshop held at the Uniting Church Hall in Springwood.Held on February 19, non-Indigenous and Indigenous residents of the Blue Mountains and Penrith came to the workshop which was opened by Gundungurra and Darug elder, Aunty Carol Cooper. Click here to read article

For a lot of First Nations peoples, debates around the Voice to Parliament are not about a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’

22/02/2023 The Conversation: A referendum to vote on a constitutionally enshrined Indigenous Voice to Parliament will be happening later this year. This week, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese kicked off a national week of action for the referendum. He and other public figures are holding information sessions across the country in the hope of garnering support for the Voice. However, Invasion Day rallies this year have shown some Indigenous communities oppose the referendum, and a constitutionally enshrined Voice. Click here to read article

Yes campaign for Indigenous Voice to Parliament launches with announcement of multi-million-dollar donation

23/02/2023 ABC: The Yes campaign for an Indigenous Voice to parliament has officially launched in Adelaide, with a multi-million-dollar donation kicking off fundraising efforts. Click here to view

The idea of a Voice to parliament is not new. Aboriginal activists demanded one almost 100 years ago

20/02/23 SBS NITV: If the calls for Aboriginal political representation had been heeded in 1924, we would not be suffering the disadvantage that still hovers over Aboriginal lives today, writes John Maynard. Click here to view article

Many of my own people tell me they don’t understand the Voice; by Stan Grant

18/02/23 ABC: Are we nothing? Are we just fence posts by the side of the road? Aunty Patty Undi sitting next to me is talking on our country. In a place of our ancestors. Click here to view article

Why three MPs are supporting the Uluru statement across party lines

18/02/23 The Guardian Australia: Political editor Katharine Murphy speaks to Labor MP Gordon Reid, Liberal MP Bridget Archer and crossbencher Allegra Spender about the launch of their new Friends of the Uluru Statement group in Parliament House. Click here to listen to podcast

Indigenous delegation seeks multi partisan support on Voice in Canberra

10/02/23 First Nations Telegraph: Chair of Empowered Communities, Ian Trust leads a delegation of Indigenous people from across urban, regional, and remote Australia to Canberra this week. “We have come here to try and make sure politicians of all persuasions understand the vital importance of constitutional recognition through Voice for our futures and the futures of families and loved ones, and for the future of the nation”. Click here to view article

Every Premier and Chief Minister in Australia unite to back Indigenous Voice to Parliament

03/02/23 National Indigenous Times: All state and territory leaders in Australia have officially backed the Indigenous Voice to Parliament…..The premiers and chief ministers also vowed to combat misinformation and strive for a respectful national conversation. Click here to view article

38 Mayors across Australia declare support for the Uluru Statement

Thirty-eight Mayors from 7 states and territories, have committed to civic education of their communities about the importance of the referendum.” “We are all ready to help inform and educate our communities about the Uluru Statement and create conversations about the referendum in suburbs and towns throughout Australia.” Click here to view media release

As we debate the Indigenous Voice to Parliament there is one word missing: Compassion

05/02/23 ABC News: On Q+A this week we devoted an hour to the many and varied views on the Voice, from no to yes, from sovereignty and treaty to justice and law and politics, but not once did anyone utter the word compassion. Without compassion how can we begin to bear the weight of Australia’s great sin? How can we begin to move toward healing, truth or forgiveness without first compassion? Click here to view article

What’s at stake in this year’s constitutional referendum?

26/01/23 The Minefield ABC Radio National: This 46 min program canvasses the history of referenda in Australia. At the count of 27.55 mins the Guest Speaker Mark McKenna  is introduced. Click here to view

Liberal premiers break ranks with Peter Dutton as states back Voice to Parliament

03/02/2023 SBS: Two Liberal premiers have broken ranks with their federal colleagues, joining the other state and territory leaders to declare their support for a Voice to Parliament. Click here to view article

Australia Day: a long perspective from 65,000 BCE

28/01/23 Pearls and Irritations: Barry Jones presents a succint long view from 65000 years ago to what we need to do in 2023. He ends with: ‘The 1967 Referendum was a valuable first step, the Mabo judgment of 1992 was a second – but we must now complete the job. This is not just for the benefit of First Nations people, it is an essential element of being honest with ourselves, to fulfil the human potential of all of us. Click here to view article

In the clamour and confusion around the Indigenous voice, the media has a special responsibility

27/01/23 The Guardian Australia: This is a complex discussion, weighted by being 235 years overdue. It demands, but all too often lacks, perspective and nuance. Opposing voices are coming from both the far left and the right. For many voters, reaching a considered decision will require far more backstory. Click here to view article

Constitutional recognition has a long history. How did we get here?

25/01/2023 SBS NITV: The country’s founding document makes no mention of Indigenous people or prohibiting racism. The fight to change that and enshrine Blak sovereignty goes back to invasion. Click here to view article

OPINION: Australians will see through the tricks and mind games of Voice naysayers

24/01/23 SBS NITV: I’m confident that when Australians vote on the Voice they will do the right thing by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and leave the oppressors in the Stone Age where they belong, writes Jill Gallagher. click here to view article

Voice will empower us, not undermine Sovereignty

16/01/2023 National Indigenous Times: I first learnt about Aboriginal sovereignty as a law student in the 1990s – the WA government was introducing harsh new criminal laws known as the ‘three strikes‘ laws and we decided to protest nationally. We had permission from the Tent Embassy in Canberra to arrive at the embassy to protest these racist laws which harm our children to this day. I arrived with several Noongar youth at risk from such laws, which continue to incarcerate our children in WA and Northern Territory today. Click here to view article

PM Albanese slams Peter Dutton after Opposition Leader’s call for “more detail” on Voice rings hollow

09/01/2023 National Indigenous Times: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has slammed Peter Dutton over “a cheap culture war stunt” after the Opposition Leader’s letter demanding more detail on the Voice to Parliament was given to the media before the PM. Click here to view article

Indigenous voice to parliament: groups to launch grassroots referendum campaigns

03/01/2023 The Guardian Australia: The leading organisations for the yes and no campaigns in the Indigenous voice to parliament referendum will officially launch in February, recruiting volunteers and kicking off a fight that will run for at least six months. Click here to view article

“Ready for Change” Linda Burney unveils draft date for Indigenous Voice Referendum.

01/01/2023 SBS: Australians could be heading to the polls as early as August to vote on whether an Indigenous voice to parliament should be constitutionally enshrined. Click here to view article.

Anthony Albanese promises to deliver Voice referendum by December 2023

28/12/22 ABC: The PM made the announcement while addressing the Woodford Folk Festival in Queensland, in a speech that paid homage to former prime minister Bob Hawke. Click here to view article

Federal Calare MP Andrew Gee quits National Party over Indigenous Voice to Parliament opposition

23/12/22 ABC: The federal Member for Calare, Andrew Gee, is resigning from the National Party effective immediately over its opposition to the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Click here to view article

Dr Dylan Lino – Voice, Sovereignty and Constitutional Change

14/12/22 SEARCH Foundation: Dr Dylan Lino was a member of the team that provided legal advice to the Uluru Dialogue. He spoke to us and took questions on what the Voice means for sovereignty, on why it comes first in the Voice Treaty Truth sequence, and how change to the constitution has historically led to further positive changes for First Nations peoples. Click here to listen

Why the Voice is an economic as well as a moral imperative

08/12/22 The New Daily: The first attempt at an Indigenous voice to Parliament was in 1934 – the Australian Aborigines League unsuccessfully petitioned King George V, with 1814 signatures, for the ‘Representation of Aboriginal people in Federal Parliament’. Click here to view article

The People must design the Voice

28/11/22 National Indigenous Times: Pat Anderson and Megan Davis explain: ‘We say that this must be a process in which First Nations select their representatives and are fully apprised of all design options. This further process, to take place immediately after a referendum, is essential for the legitimacy and therefore success of the Voice’. Click here to view article

For the Indigenous Voice referendum to pass, Australians need a better understanding of why they’re voting on it

25/11/22 ABC: The focus group ended by discussing an Indigenous voice to Parliament. They were asked if they’d heard of the proposal and how they would vote. Click here to view article

SuperfectaReflections from ‘Meetings’ with remarkable Australian leaders

24/11/22 Women’s Reconciliation Network: Readers Contribution by Sheilagh Kelly; Oh, what an amazing series of inspirational addresses I have been privileged to hear, see, or listen to digitally over the last month or so. Truly what a Superfecta! Perhaps the number of these talks coming in such quick succession has been coincidental but the cumulative impact at least on me has been profound so much so that I wish to share them with as many others as possible hence this Readers Contribution. Click here to view article

A YES vote – Grassroots and corporate working & walking together

22/11/22 Women’s Reconciliation Network: Readers Contribution by Robyn Hutchinson; Four public addresses all delivered by remarkable First Nations leaders from different generations. All speak of ‘where we are as a nation today and what lies ahead for us all’; all  reference the request to the Australian people to walk with First Nations people as articulated in the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Click here to view article

Megan Davis and Pat Anderson on The Uluru Statement from the Heart

09/11/22 National Press Club Address ABC TV iView: Click here to view

How five young Indigenous people feel about the Voice to Parliament — in their own words

05/11/22 ABC: Five years ago, more than 250 Indigenous leaders signed off on the Uluru Statement from the Heart.  Click here to view article

Report on first meetings of Referendum Working Group & Referendum Engagement Group

29/09/22 Attorney General Office Media Release: Click here to view media release

First Nations voice to parliament a step closer in South Australia with release of draft bill

09/11/22 National Indigenous Times: South Australia is set to become Australia’s first state or territory to legislate a First Nations Voice to state parliamenafter the South Australian Government’s released its draft First Nations voice bill. Click here to view article

Dr Charles Perkins Oration 2022

A powerful oration delivered by First Nations climate activist, campaigner and proud Widjabil Wia-bul woman Larissa Baldwin, who speaks on climate change, the referendum and the need for positive systemic change. Click here to listen

Privileged leaders need to step aside to ensure once-exploited voices are heard loud and clear

28/10/22 National Indigenous Times: If you are, like me, a white person born in Australia, or any other former colony, that is precisely the case. It doesn’t mean you’re a white supremacist, but it does mean that you benefit from racist systems and culture. It’s not an easy pill to swallow, I’ve choked on it many times, but you can’t clean a house unless you look directly at all the stains. click here to view article

Boyer Lectures 2022: Noel Pearson

27/10/22 ABC TV Iview: In this first of a series of four lectures, Indigenous community leader, lawyer, academic and land rights activist Noel Pearson reflects on “Who we were and who we can be”, in his 2022 Boyer Lecture. click here to view

$75m for Indigenous voice referendum and $5m for truth-telling commission pledged in federal budget

25/10/22 The Guardian: The government’s preparations for an Indigenous voice to parliament will be supported with $75m to start setting up the referendum, as well as extending tax deductibility to donations to a leading constitutional recognition group backing the change. The Albanese government’s first federal budget also contains millions for Indigenous birthing practices, to set up a Makarrata truth-telling commission, and to mark the anniversary of Kevin Rudd’s apology to the stolen generations. click here to view article

Why a First Nations Voice should come before Treaty

21/10/22 The Conversation: Since the advent of colonisation, the absence of an effective process for conducting dialogues between the broader community and First Nations people has been a festering sore at the heart of Australian society. {A Voice} can not only lay a foundation for a movement towards reconciliation and truth, but also act as a tool to craft novel solutions to the problems created by the unique circumstances of Australia’s history and culture. click here to view

Green antics on Voice to Parliament look increasingly like game-playing and self-indulgence

14/10/22 Crikey: What exactly is the Greens’ position on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament? We know their formal position is an Uluru-statement-is-wrong argument that a Voice should come last after “truth” and “treaty”. But what about the government’s intention to hold a referendum on an Indigenous Voice? It seems to depend on whom you ask and what day of the week.


Voice to correct the legacy of ‘unfairness and discrimination’ says Linda Burney

13/10/22 SBS NITV: “Despite inhabiting this land for more than 60,000 years, we have no place in the constitution,” Minister Burney said, in pre-prepared remarks to an Indigenous advocacy dinner in Canberra. “It’s like we never existed. Never mattered. Never counted. Ms Burney said respect and consultation with Indigenous communities would lead to better outcomes, and help correct the legacy of “unfairness and discrimination”


Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (ANTAR) 25th Anniversary Dinner

12/10/22 Ministers Media Centre: The Minister for Aboriginal Australians, the Hon Linda Burney, addressed a dinner gathering at a celebration of the 25 years that ANTaR has been advocating for rights and justice for First Nations peoples. After acknowledging the work of ANTaR supporters around the country the Minister said that she wanted to talk about the referendum to enshrine an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament in our Constitution. She spoke to three key questions that are vital to ensuring a successful referendum:


An invitation to listen: What is the Uluru Statement from the heart by Thomas Mayor

29/08/2022 Australian Geographic: Thomas Mayor, ambassador for the Uluru Statement from the Heart and advocate for a First Nations Voice enshrined in the Constitution, invites us all to walk in a spirit of reconciliation with First Nations Australians as they strive for a better and brighter future.


Voice – Treaty – Truth Campaign Update
Message from Thomas Mayor

With acknowledgment and thanks to SEARCH FOUNDATION for production of this video update. For more information on SEARCH Voice Treaty Truth Working group see: https://www.search.org.au/volunteer?splash=1

To listen to update Message from Thomas Mayor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPObzqp9U5w

Linda Burney outlines next referendum steps including working group with Ken Wyatt

08/09/22 SBS/NITV: Ms Burney has outlined a “working group of First Nations leaders” with Senator Pat Dodson and herself as co-chairs, that will collaborate with the government to consider and navigate “the big questions” in the next following months. The work of this group will be complemented by the work of a second group, the referendum engagement group that will work to engage First Nations communities and advocate for the Voice to Parliament to raise awareness, understanding and support.


Uluru Statement from the Heart’s Voice aims to change the course of Australia’s parliament. Here’s how

18/08/22 SBS: The Uluru Statement from the Heart’s Voice to Parliament has dominated the headlines ever since Anthony Albanese uttered his first words as the country’s new prime minister-elect. “On behalf of the Australian Labor Party, I commit to the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full,” he said on 21 May, moments after winning the federal election, and promised a referendum on the Voice will be held in the Labor government’s first term. Within days, the country’s new Indigenous Affairs Minister Linda Burney said Australia is ready for the referendum.


I will be voting yes to establish an Indigenous voice to parliament: Malcolm Turnbull

15/08/22 The Guardian Australia: Despite my previous concerns, the voice as proposed by Anthony Albanese won’t be a third chamber, and it has sufficient public support.


Prime Minister’s speech: Address to Garma Festival 30th July 2022

Ngarra ga Buku guru-pan Gumatj, Yothu Yindi nha go Yolgnu mala. (Translation: I pay my respect to Gumatj, Yothu Yindi and Yolngu Mala.] I acknowledge the people of the Yolngu nation. I recognise all the elders, leaders and families who have made great contributions to our nation.

Full transcript https://www.pm.gov.au/media/address-garma-festival

Voice process won’t be rushed, says Linda Burney

01/08/22 SBS NITV: Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney has declared the government’s intention to go cautiously on the Voice to Parliament, as momentum builds towards a referendum on the issue.


After more than 200 years of waiting, Albanese puts forward a ‘simple’ proposition for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament

30/07/22 ABC: It is difficult to articulate the level of collective frustration and anxiety that has built up in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia as government after government has kicked the can down the road — talking big but delivering little to empower First Australians in the Constitution.


Statement from the Heart is a gift to the nation, not a grab for power by Waleed Aly

29/07/22 SMH: There is something admirable about Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s full-throated support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Not so much its passion as its clarity.


A voice of recognition by Professor Megan Davis: co-chair Uluru Dialogue

The Australian: The advocacy by First Nations people for an enhanced role in the democratic life of the Australian state has its genesis in the time of colonial parliaments, before Federation, as Indigenous leaders called for the right to have a say in laws and policies about their people as they grappled with an ever increasing body count on the frontier and their land was rapidly being dispossessed.


Charlie King interviews Thomas Mayor on his life experiences leading to his commitment to the Uluru Statement of the Heart Voice Campaign

06/07/22 ABC: A few years ago Thomas was invited to attend a dialogue about beginning the process of Constitutional recognition for Indigenous people, a process which led to the creation of the history-making Uluru Statement from the Heart in 2017.
