Voice from the Heart Alliance


Events around the Country

These are a few of the many events being held around the country in support of a Yes vote in the upcoming referendum.
On this page you will find a link to Yes23 for upcoming events.
Ongoing events as well as recordings and articles of past events.

Find events around the Country

Ongoing Events

Passing the Message Stock
Here’s the next round of online and in-person events to share analysis of the political moment, an overview of the research findings, practical recommendations and messaging advice, as well as tips on how to have conversations in your community

13 July 2023

Online and in-person events coming up. Right across the country, conversations about the upcoming referendum are all over the news, on social media, throughout our workplaces and in our day to day lives. Now more than ever, we must flood the airwaves with stories of First Nations strength, solutions, leadership and vision for the future, as recommended by the latest messaging research from Passing the Message Stick. Register here..

Run for the Voice

17 April onwards
to Uluru

On 17 April 2023, Pat Farmer, Australia’s most recognised professional ultramarathon runner, started the Run for the Voice to raise awareness, support and engagement for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament. It is a 14,400km run around Australia over 6 months beginning in Hobart / nipaluna, Tasmania / lutruwita, and finishing symbolically, at Uluru. Pat will run up to 80km/day every day. Join Pat for part of his run!

Start a Yarn Uluru Dialogues


The yarning circles with The Uluru Dialogue; learn more about First Nations culture and why the Uluru Statement and a First Nations Voice are so important. For more information and to register

Together Yes information event recording

In all states

Together, YES is a kitchen conversation movement in support of a YES vote. It’s a powerful way in which you can participate. Sign up to be part of the conversation. You can also join their information sessions in your own state

Uluru Statement canvas

Every Wednesday

Join a weekly in depth conversation on the Uluru Statement. Learn more about the invitation from First Nations people to “walk with us in a movement of the Australian people for a better future”.

Recordings of past events

Dr Sophie Scamps in conversation with Rachel Perkins, Craig Foster AM and Jeff McMullen AM about the Voice to Parliament Referendum on 26 July 2023,
City Talks Sydney Town Hall
CityTalks: Why the Voice to Parliament is essential for all Australians
Hear from community leaders, Voice experts, and constitutional specialists gathered at Sydney Town Hall on 19 July 2023, on what the Voice to Parliament will mean for our nation’s future.
Voice of Reason on Recognition and Renesal, Aust Institute
Voice of Reason on Recognition and Renewal (on sale now). Professor Megan Davis presents her Quarterly Essay in conversation with Professor Mark Kenny.
The Voice to Parliament Handbook Australia Institute
The Voice to Parliament Handbook | Australia Institute Webinar with Thomas Mayo & Kerry O’Brien. This short book is accessible to anyone who wants to better understand the referendum question or is looking for responses in their kitchen table conversations.
Bayside Council Voice Forum
Bayside Council’s Community Information Forum – A Voice to Parliament. Panel members Thomas Mayo, Marcia Ella-Duncan and Michael Ingrey
Recording from1 June
Understanding the Voice A4U
Understanding the Voice Allies for Uluru Town Hall with Rachel Perkins and Kirsty Parker
Recording from 14 June
The Voice 11 May
Professors Tom Calma AO and Dr Marcia Langton AO.
Recording from 11 May
‘The Voice: How the Final Co-Design Report Enables an Effective Design for Indigenous Advice to the Parliament and Executive Government’
Understanding the Voice Susan Templeman Blue Mountains
Understanding the Voice
Springwood event with Susan Templeman, Federal MP for Macquarie and Mayor Mark Greenhill talking to speaker Rachel Perkins
Recording from 30 April
UTS forum Voice Treaty Truth
UTS: The Uluru Statement from the Heart calls for Voice, Treaty and Truth 
– reforms based on First Nations justice and self-determination.
Recording from 29 May
Let's Get Referendum Ready R4WS Medium
Lets get Referendum Ready
event held by Reconciliation for Western Sydney
Recording from 15 May.
Zali Steggal Community Forum photo courtesy Michelle Haywood
Zali Steggall MP hosts Voice to Parliament Community Forum April 2023
COTA Voice to parliament 23 March
Voice to Parliament
Conversations for Older Australians.
Recording made 23 March 2023
DCA Indigenous Network - Activate Your Voice On The Voice
DCA Indigenous Network Activate Your Voice On The Voice Recording from 5 April 23. This year there will be a referendum on a constitutionally enshrined First Nations Voice to Parliament.
Dr Sophie Scamps MP for a Q&A at Dee Why RSL.
View event on YouTube

Articles about past events

Ethics Centre conversation with Teela Reed and Simon Longstaff
Ethics Centre: Teela Reid in conversation with Simon Longstaff
For more information view article ‘Unpacking the Voice to Parliament’ by Robyn Hutchinson 
Zali Steggal Community Forum photo courtesy Michelle Haywood
Zali Stegggal MP hosts Voice to Parliament Community Forum
View report courtesy Zali Steggal. Photos courtesy Michelle Haywood
MUA film screening Come Walk With Us, Vicky Morta’s story. Photos courtesy of Mandy King and Jamie McMechan. For more information view article by Robyn Hutchinson
WRN yarning presentation of the Together,Yes campaign
For more information on the Together Yes campaign See article by Angela Finn and Robyn Hutchinson . Photos courtesy of Michelle Haywood
Tanya Plibersec Community Forum
Sydney Voice to Parliament Community Forum: Larrissa Minniecon, Linda Burney MP and Professor Tom Calma AO joined Tanya Plibersek MP, to discuss a Voice to Parliament. Click here to view article by Angie Finn
Petersham Park
Inner West BBQ for the Voice to Parliament Petersham Park, Marrickville. Event hosted by Mayor Darcy Byrne with speakers PM Anthony Albanese, Linda Burney MP and Pat Anderson AO. Click here to view article by Ros Bradley
 Walking Together Uluru Statement from the Heart workshop held at the Uniting Church Hall in Springwood. Photos courtesy Jess Harrison. Click here to view article by Deborah Ruiz-Wall and Blue Mountains Gazette
Yes23 launch Adelaide February 2023
Voice to Parliament National Campaign Lab and Launch. Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute, Adelaide. Click here to view article by Ros Bradley, Angie Finn and Robyn Huchinson
Newcastle Yes launch
Newcastle City launch of the Yes23 campaign Click here to read article by Ros Madden and Tracy DeGeer