Voice from the Heart Alliance

Being involved

Being involved for a Yes vote in the referendum

Voice from the Heart Alliance is a network involved in implementing actions and activities leading towards a successful Yes vote in the upcoming Referendum. We do this by working in the following three areas: growing National Networks; connecting with Parliamentarians; and conducting local public awareness campaigns. Voice from the Heart Alliance welcomes new groups or individuals to help amplify our advocacy work and to support and learn from each other as we engage in respectful conversations with the ‘undecided’ in our own local communities.

National networking

We aim to make connections with national networks which have strategic influence with various groups across Australia.

How to do this

  • Contact your local groups e.g. social, charity, faith, sporting, art and education, by making phone calls, visits, writing letters, or emailing these groups
  • Conversation starter examples: Have you heard about the Uluru Statement? What do you know about the Referendum for a Voice to Parliament? How are you involved in the campaign?
  • We invite you to join our monthly zoom meeting on the last Monday of each month 6pm. Members share their experience and offer support to each other. All welcome
MacKellar for Yes
MacKellar for Yes weekly meetings
Kirribili markets 25 August
Kirribilli markets with Dean Parkin, Director, Yes23
Come Together for Yes 2nd July
Come Together for Yes
Yes23 launch Adelaide February 2023
Yes23 Launch Adelaide
Mt Druitt Reconciliation walk 3 June
Mt Druitt Reconciliation walk Yes 23 stall

Political Advocacy

We aim to make contact with Local Council, State and Federal representatives to advocate for a YES vote.

How to do this

  • Speak with and or write to your Local Council, State and Federal representatives asking how they will get involved and advocate for a YES vote. For information about what you might say and to send a letter, visit the The Uluru Dialogue website
  • Research your local council’s public position on the Statement from the Heart. If necessary propose a motion that your council expresses its support for the Statement and investigates ways it could educate local citizens about the Statement and upcoming Referendum. Follow up with a meeting

Public Awareness

We aim to engage in public awareness activities to promote an understanding of the Voice to Parliament.

What is a Voice to Parliament Online course
Do the ‘What is a Voice to Parliament’ Online course
Kirribili markets 25 August
Wear a T-shirt and be visible
Together Yes Host a session
Together Yes Host a session
Mt Druitt Reconciliation walk 3 June
Take a selfie and share on social media
Volunteer with the Yes23 campaign
Volunteer with the Yes23 campaign

How to do this

  • Volunteer with Yes23. Find a Yes23 action group near you or start your own
  • Educate yourself and others by doing the What is a Voice to Parliament online course
  • Have kitchen table conversations. Sign up to Together,YES: a kitchen table conversation movement in support of a YES vote. Sign up to be part of the conversation
  • Talk to friends and colleagues about an enshrined Indigenous Voice to Parliament
  • Engage in street actions and activities – hand out information at local markets, shopping centres, local events and venues
  • Ask local businesses or shops get involved and to put a supportive sign in their windows
  • Offer to speak at local community organisations such as community and faith groups, local libraries and other venues
  • Wear a T-shirt to your local club, event or family gathering and start the conversation
Street march for Yes
Slendour in the Grass - Yes23 Central Coast
Come Together for Yes 2nd July
Mt Druitt Reconciliation walk 3 June

Sharing what works for you

However you decide to be involved we invite you to share your actions with us via the Voice from the Heart Alliance, so that we can learn from and support each other as we build solidarity for the YES vote at the upcoming Referendum. We encourage you join our monthly zoom or email us to share and to receive our monthly newsletter.

The Voice from the Heart Alliance meets monthly on Zoom and via email communications at other times.

Join our zoom meeting. The last Monday of each month at 6pm Sydney time on Zoom – Meeting ID: 81496694820 Passcode: 359148

Join a weekly conversation on the Uluru Statement. Wednesdays 7pm Sydney time on Zoom